raven read

Life at Maur Hill-Mount Academy

Power of Play

They spend endless hours in practice after school. They wake up early to go to the 6am practice in the cold. They are tired. They are hungry. The whole family is tired and hungry. 

So, why do we suffer the sports that take so much time and energy? Because organized and well-structured sports provide myriad benefits for the youth. Hear us out:

Physical Benefits

There is no need to mention the physical benefits of regular exercise. Sports help in creating an active and healthy life style, preventing chronic diseases and improving cardiovascular health and macular strength. 


Social Benefits

When you have to work hard, win or lose with others who are not like you, teamwork and cooperation skills will improve -whether you want it or not. It doesn’t matter if an athlete practices a team sport or an individual sport. He ends up becoming part of something bigger than himself and working towards the same goal with everyone else. They learn to collaborate better, communicate better and resolve conflicts better. They win or lose together. Even the times of conflict and hardship teach these young athletes how to overcome adverse situations. 

Mental Benefits

All those days of practice and all those goals-met develop self-confidence. You realize that you can achieve other goals that previously seemed unachievable. This sometimes steep learning curve leads to a rewarding experience. Also, along with all the physical benefits, exercise is one the best ways to relieve stress. Making new friends, becoming part of something bigger and the sense of belonging are all added benefits of playing sports.

Academic Benefits

Sports require dedication, commitment and discipline. You have to show up for the practice. You have to support your team. You have to push yourself to be better. You need to manage your time. You need to figure out how to balance the rest of life so that you can stay focused and persevere. All of these skills can be transferred into the academic life. Also, many schools have academic requirements to play sports, providing the motivation for the athletes to organize their priorities and push themselves academically so that they can get back on the team.

Spiritual Benefits

Sports promote the virtues of selflessness and courage. Athletes learn how to be leaders and how to be disciplined, both of which will contribute to a more virtuous life. After all, what is virtue of not a regular practice of good habits. All the skills you learn playing a sport lead to a life of prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance, as St. John Paul said, “Sports is the gymnasium of human virtue.”

So, thank you for bringing these wonderful athletes to practice. Thank you for showing up at the games. Thank you for volunteering at the concession stand. Thank you for training them. Thank you for scheduling and keeping score. Thank you for smelling like deep fried food. Thank you for being tired and hungry. The sacrifices you make are not only reflected on the score board, but in the people these beloved sons and daughters are becoming. 

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