raven read

Life at Maur Hill-Mount Academy


  • St. Nicholas at Maur Hill-Mount

    St. Nicholas at Maur Hill-Mount

    In a world where self-sacrifice often goes unnoticed, it is not surprising that the story of real St. Nicholas fades into the background. His feast day quickly became one of my favorites after I learned his story as a mother. St. Nicholas lived in the 4th century in Myra, located in today’s Turkey. He was… Continue reading

  • Sts. Maur and Placid

    Sts. Maur and Placid

    Obedience and humility are the two virtues most ignored in a world where being rebellious and proud is valued. Yet, these exact attributes are what form a loving and caring community where one’s mind, body and soul can thrive. Through obedience we bring order to chaos and through humility we bring love and selflessness to… Continue reading


Grab something warm to drink and join us in our little corner of the internet where we share the life of faith and learning at Maur Hill-Mount Academy, a Catholic boarding prep school.
